Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its Time

As two pivotal elections approach my global brain has been kicked into high gear. I've managed to mostly squash the "i told you so's" (not completely, but hey! a girl has to have her fun sometimes). It's got me thinking, As we spin towards our future all I can see are a muddled mass of destruction. Its time for us to evolve past our pettiness that has dominated humanity since its conception. Whether your an evolustionist of creationist you can agree that as a group we've been doing a pretty terrible job of managing ourselves so far. What with the child soldiers, environmental destruction, intollerance and nuclear bombs that we daily have to confront.

There is a foret in Poland, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha which is a virgin forest. Somehow and with much luck its managed to survive the centuries relatively untouched. Now it is threatened by developers much as the great Alaskan boreal forests are threatened by Governer Palin's pipe line. Its time we as a people stand up against this monstrous actions taken on out behalf. Not as Canadian's , Russian's, Iraqis, British, Afghans, Americans or any other nationality but as global citizens. Never before in history has this planet been so hopelessly interconnected. What should be a wonderful, eye-opening, uniting experience has been the opposite. We still function in an us versus them mentality and I for one am tired.

Its time for a change, not just in politics but everywhere. Its time we shift our level of consciousness away from the selfish mundane ideas that we daily slog through too one of enlightened connectivity between all members of humanity and nature.

Its time for the human race to grow up.

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