Friday, November 7, 2008

Customer #1

No this is not about the number one customer. In an effort to more consistantly blog I am going to try for the next two weeks to write about one customer from my day at work, they may not be the worst or the best of the hoards of people I serve coffee but they will be the most memorable.

So Customer #1 = 200° soy lady

This customer comes in on a fairly regular basis and orders a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate. All is well and good except that hot chocolate is made with Soy (my milk substitute nemesis) and that steaming ' is too a temperature of 200° F which roughly translates into 93.3°C; just 7 or so degrees below the boiling point which definitely scalds the soy. How do I know this - I can smell it. Anyways the other thing that makes this lady so memorable is the fact that I never steam her Soy to 200°F. WCB

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