Saturday, October 3, 2009

Keyboard Cowboys

Remember the 1990's film Hackers? Its quite irrelevant to this post other then it was the first place I heard the term 'Keyboard Cowboys'. I'm not sure if the writers were simply mistaken in the usage or if it, like many pop culture references, has simply evolved in meaning over time. A Keyboard cowboy is a blogger or message board commentator who insists on responding with a jarring tone of omnipotent expretise that is often false. Half the statements these self appointed guru's type they would never ever dare say in the midst of civilized debate/discussion. They are hidden behind a computer screen and we feel impervious to contradiction. And they drive me insane.

Sure, I too am hidden behind a monitor. But for those that now me outside the digital realm know that what I type I wouldn't hesitate to say to your face either. I am unabashedly political, controversial and not afraid of being corrected or disagreed with. So don't hide behind your keyboard, say things as you would if I was sitting across from you. Then you can sleep better at night knowing that you stuck to your guns, instead of taking the yellow bellied route of hiding.

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